Wyoming LLC Formation

Allow us to handle your Wyoming LLC formation needs.

Establishing a Wyoming LLC can provide many benefits.

If you need to form a new Wyoming LLC but you want to keep your personal information off public record, this package is your best option.

Mountain Business Center LLC can register your Wyoming LLC using our business center’s physical and mailing address located at the base of Snow King Mountain, and this package will include a year of mail scanning and/or forwarding (includes up to 50 pieces of mail per month). Your new company’s registered agent office address will be different from your new Snow King Mountain address because we maintain a separate registered agent office located at:

960 Alpine Lane, #4, Jackson, WY 83001.

Mountain Business Center can handle everything to get your Wyoming LLC registered in the tax-friendly state of Wyoming:

Fee Schedule:
∙ $104 for the Wyoming Secretary of State filing fee for your new Wyoming LLC
∙ $100 for our annual Wyoming Registered Agent fee
∙ $500 for our annual Wyoming address/ Mail Forwarding/Scanning Service (add $240 annually for a local Jackson, Wyoming phone number)
= $704 TOTAL for a new Wyoming LLC or corporation (using our Wyoming Address Use/ Mail Service)

With your permission, opening and scanning your mail is free for up to 50 pieces of mail per month for one year.

The additional postage fees incurred in forwarding your mail to any worldwide destination is NOT included in this total and will be billed separately.  

Per our Wyoming state statutes, we will need a completed and confidential Wyoming registered agent contract emailed back to us which can be download here. Please note that we will not share this contract with anyone unless we are served with a subpoena.

We can file your new Wyoming LLC instantly online as soon as we receive your signed registered agent contract via email along with your payment.

We can obtain your new Wyoming LLC’s EIN for an additional $50. We will complete an SS-4 and need your signature.

Renewal fees:
∙ $64 for the Wyoming Secretary of State annual report fee for the Wyoming LLC (or .002 x the assessed value of assets physically located in Wyoming)
∙ $100 for our annual Wyoming Registered Agent fee
∙ $100 for our Wyoming annual report filing fee
∙ $500 for our annual Wyoming Address Use/ Mail Service (add $240 annually for a local Jackson, Wyoming phone number)
= $764 TOTAL to renew your Wyoming corporation (includes our Wyoming Mail Service)



Your new Wyoming LLC formation will have the only ski in/ski out office address in Wyoming!

The information and forms provided by Mountain Business Center for your Wyoming LLC formation do not constitute legal or tax advice. The information and forms provided on this website are provided “as is” and without any assurance that the information is correct, complete or current or that the forms are appropriate for your uses. The facts and circumstances of each business person or company may be unique and the clients and customers of Mountain Business Center are encouraged to seek legal or tax advice if they have questions of a legal or tax nature.

Download our confidential but required Wyoming registered agent contract here.

Mountain Business Center LLC in the News: